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Town of Holden 1204 Main Street, Holden, MA 01520

Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes
April 13, 2010
Starbard Building

Members Present: Lisa Post, Carmelo Bazzano

Members Absent: Susan Serewicz, Richard Anderson, Erin O'Neil Bradbury

Others Present: Denise Morano, Recreation Director, Dee Anne Grebinar, Recording Secretary

The Recreation Committee meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm.

MINUTES: The minutes from the March 9, 2010 were not voted on due to lack of quorum.

Programs: Denise went over the current number of participants in the adult programs. Yoga, Tuesday and Thursday mornings - 23 registered; Zumba, Tuesday and Thursday evenings - 43 enrolled; Hip Hop Dance, Wednesday nights - 4; 3CPYo, Tuesday evenings - 7; Firm What You "Gut", Thursday evening - 9; Yoga for Every "Body", Thursday evenings - 4, actually more now; Card making class on Wednesday, April 28th has 4 registered. Denise commented that these are the last series of adult classes. Classes will resume in September.

The current enrollment figures for the Before & After School Program:
Davis Hill - AM - 50, PM - 40
Dawson - AM - 45, PM - 37
Mayo - AM - 22, PM - 31
Total enrollment is 225 children

Summer: Carmelo asked if the fields had been released yet and Denise said that some members of the baseball program were using the fields even though she had not released them, so she went ahead and released them on April 7th. Lisa commented that the President of the Baseball League had sent an e-mail to all coaches that they should NOT be using the fields yet, because they had not been released, but evidently some coaches chose to ignore the "release policy" and use the fields anyway. Soccer teams were not involved in disregarding the "release policy".

Carmelo asked about gymnastics - will we ever offer gymnastics? Denise said we have no facility, no equipment and no storage for equipment and that the insurance is prohibitive. Lisa commented on a couple of local gymnastic places for Carmelo.

A copy of the summer Brochure was given to Committee members. Brochures have been distributed to the 3 elementary schools. Lisa complimented the brochure and was pleased to see that the prices all remained the same as last year. There is a pebble tech problem in the family pool and it needs to be repaired. The repair done last year has lifted and has created a tripping hazard between the gutter and the pebble tech in the beach entry. Other hollow spots also need to be repaired. We hope to start repairs as soon as possible.

Recreation passes went on sale Thursday, April 1st and sales were brisk. We still have about 50 non-resident passes that are available. Denise commented it is probably a sign of the economy that they have not all sold yet, but she is sure they will eventually sell out.

Denise will start interviews next week for summer employment. Several staff members from last year have decided to return and Denise is quite pleased, because they are an excellent staff ~ even tempered, mild mannered and work well together. First registration is set for Saturday, May 8th from 9 a.m. to noon at the Senior Center.

Miscellaneous: Denise mentioned the Skateboard meeting tonight (held prior to the Recreation Committee Meeting). The Skateboard Park Committee is now a formal committee. They want to hire a designer for plans. Lisa asked if they've started raising money, and Denise said no. Denise commented that Selectman Dave White had attended the meeting tonight and they they still have not found a site for the park.

Denise commented that she has not heard anything about the Pepsi grant that was submitted regarding the outdoor exercise equipment for the Senior Center.

The meeting adjourned at 7:35 pm.

The next Recreation Committee meeting will be held on May 11, 2010 @ 7:00 p.m. at the Starbard Building.